Friday, 26 February 2021

ref vs Out parameters


class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            //The ref is a keyword in C# which is used for the passing the arguments by a reference.

            string str1 = "Geek";//It is necessary the parameters should initialize before it pass to ref.

            SetValue1(ref str1);

            Console.WriteLine(str1);//When ref keyword is used the data may pass in bi-directional.


            //SetValue1(ref string refObj);//Error you cannot declare while passing ref parameter


            //The out is a keyword in C# which is used for the passing the arguments to methods as a reference type.

            string str2 = "Geek";

            SetValue2(out str2);

            //SetValue2(out string str2);//No Error//Comment above two lines to debug the code

            Console.WriteLine(str2);//When out keyword is used the data only passed in unidirectional.


            string str3 = "Geek3";

            string str4 = "Geek4";

            SetValue3(ref str3, ref str4);//reference can be used for passing multiple parameters

            Console.WriteLine(str3 + " " + str4);//When ref keyword is used the data may pass in bi-directional.


            string str5 = "Geek5";

            string str6 = "Geek6";

            SetValue4(out str5, out str6);//When out keyword is used the data only passed in unidirectional.

            Console.WriteLine(str5 + " " + str6);



        static void SetValue1(ref string str1)


            if (str1 == "Geek")//It is not necessary to initialize the value of a parameter before returning to the calling method.


                Console.WriteLine("Hello!!" + str1);


            str1 = "GeeksforGeeks";



        static void SetValue2(out string str1)


            str1 = "";//It is necessary to initialize the value of a parameter before returning to the calling method.

            if (str1 == "Geek")//if you comment above line it will throw error




            str1 = "GeeksforGeeks";



        static void SetValue3(ref string str3, ref string str4)


            if (str3 == "Geek3")


                Console.WriteLine("Hello!!" + str3);


            if (str4 == "Geek4")


                Console.WriteLine("Hello!!" + str4);


            str3 = "GeeksforGeeks3";

            str4 = "GeeksforGeeks4";


        static void SetValue4(out string str5, out string str6)


            str5 = "";//It is necessary to initialize the value of a parameter before returning to the calling method.

            str6 = "";


            str5 = "GeeksforGeeks5";

            str6 = "GeeksforGeeks6";




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