Monday, 27 November 2017

Improve the performance of SharePoint 2013 web application

  • Blob Cache has been set for 24 hours
Parameter needs to be set is “max-age” under blob tag in web.config file of the application
  • Http Response header removal to enable caching of the web application
1. Param Expire 0
  • CSS Registration under “<Sharepoint:CSSRegistration” tag which helps to cache the css in SharePoint 2013
  • Cache Profiles, Site Collection Object Cache, Site Output Cache, Page layout cache
  • Trouble Shooting
1. Under “Safe Mode” callstack =”True” but could impact the performance of the application
2. Under “Compilation” tag in “web.config” setting Debug=”True” will impact and disable the caching  of the application on “Client Side” and “Server Side”
3. Set Connection string under connection settings in web.config file using “Secure Connection string” command for more search on Google
  • Set Default time zone of the application under SharePoint 2013 otherwise it will be running timer jobs as per the server time zone
1. For e.g.: if server is in USA and Client is in India the timer job and Default time zone is not set to the client country time zone then the timer jobs will be referencing the server timings of the hosted country and which will run at any time perhaps the Indian Market hours which could impact the performance of the application and can be faced by the end users complaining of slowness of the application.
  • Secure Store Service
1. To share the credentials to developers without providing the confidential username and password by proving the secure store service key to the developer will do the job. The key will authenticate the BDC application to communication with external databases with the auto generate key by SharePoint 2013 under secure store service
  • List View threshold should not exceed the limit of 5000, however 30 million records can be saved in the list
  • Search Query v/s CAML query
1. Search Query is used to fetch large number of data
2. CAML query cannot be used to fetch large no of data
3. Search Query: For an instance we have to crawl 3 columns from list which will create 3 search properties to query data using managed metadata service via using search query
  • Below Path to create search query crawl
1. CA->Managed service application->Search Service application->Search Schema
  • App pools recycle introduced in SharePoint 2013 it was not present in SharePoint 2007
1. Http.sys kernel mode driver accepts the request from client browser
2. W3wp creates queue as per app pool, which will have two queues Input and Output queue.
3. Whenever an app pool is recycled the old w3wp will stop taking client request and the new request will be diverted to the newly created w3wp. If old w3wp consists of any request and all the request gets completed under the declared Shutdown time limit in IIS will forcibly close the old w3wp. The only drawback of app pool recycle is whenever the request switches to new w3wp the whole process of caching starts from the beginning which slowdowns the process of load site on client end and users observes a slowness while loading the website.
  • HTTP 1.1 SP 2013
1. 1.0-> 4 concurrent connection to minimize the overhead of response
2. 1.1-> Keep Alive (gives response faster)
3. 2.0-> used by Google
  • Health Usage and data collection service consumes more resource which impacts the server   performance under CA
  • Optimization of web part fetching large list
1. Where clause have to be assigned on Indexed column of the list
2. Having Index column and where clause assigned to the same column in the list, however it’s still affecting the performance while loading the web part then check the threshold limit of list that it has crossed 5000.
3. CAML query without where clause

Unable to restore database "..because it is in use by this session."

Restore failed for server restore cannot process database because it is in use by this session

Your login to the server cannot have the database as its default. Go to Security > Logins > your login user. Right click to get properties and where it says Default, put the database back to "Master". It doesn't take you out of the other db, just takes it out of that connection for the restore. I'd routinely restored but must have one day changed the default thinking it wouldn't hurt anything. Now I know it hurts restores to that db if I log onto the server as that connection with that default! Hope this helps clear it up.

Reference : Unable to restore database "..because it is in use by this session."

Getting exclusive access to a SQL Server database for restore

When restoring a database, one of the things you need to do is ensure that you have exclusive access to the database.  If any other users are in the database the restore will fail.

When trying to do a restore, if any other user is in the database you will see these types of error messages:


Msg 3101, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.


Getting Exclusive Access

To get exclusive access, all other connections need to be dropped or the database that they are in needs to be changed so they are not using the database you are trying to restore.  You can use sp_who2 or SSMS to see what connections are using the database you are trying to restore.

Using KILL
One option to get exclusive access is to use the KILL command to kill each connection that is using the database., but be aware of what connections you are killing and the rollback issues that may need to occur.  See this tip for more information on how to do this.

Another option is to put the database in single user mode and then do the restore.  This also does a rollback depending on the option you use, but will do all connections at once.  See this tip for more information on how to do this.

Use Master
RESTORE DATABASE DatabaseName FROM DISK = 'C:\DB Backups\Database.bak'

Link: Getting exclusive access to a SQL Server database for restore

Friday, 21 July 2017

Delete a service application in SharePoint 2013

Step 1

How to Delete a Service Application in SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell

Requirement: Delete SharePoint 2010/2013 Service Application using PowerShell. How to Delete a Service Application in SharePoint 2013:
  • Go to SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site 
  • Navigate to Application Management >> Manage service applications
  • In the Manage Service Applications page, Select the Service application that you want to delete.
  • click Delete button from the Ribbon.
  • You'll get a confirmation dialog, select "Delete data associated with the Service Applications" if you want to delete the service application database. leave this check box if you don't want to delete the Service application's database.
  • Click OK to delete the service application. Once deleted, you'll get the confirmation dialog.
    Delete a Service Application in SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell 
    At times you may have to use PowerShell in scenarios such as you are unable to delete a Service application as it may corrupted.To get rid of a Service Application and remove it completely using PowerShell? Well, Here are the PowerShell cmdlets to Help you!
    To remove a service application from PowerShell, use Remove-SPServiceApplication cmdlet.
    Remove-SPServiceApplication {Service-App-ID} [-RemoveData]
    Remove-SPServiceApplication "222b3f48-746e-4cd2-a21c-018527554120" -RemoveData
    Remove-SPServiceApplication needs the GUID of the target service application we want to delete, isn't it? So, How to get the Service Application ID? Here is how:
    Run: Get-SPServiceApplication cmdlet, It gets you the below result with ID field:
    PowerShell Script to Delete a SharePoint 2013 Service Application:
    Lets force delete a service application using its display name with PowerShell.
    #Display Name
    $DisplayName="Excel Services Application" 
    #Get the Service Application from its Display Name
    $SeviceApp = Get-SPServiceApplication -name $DisplayName 
    #Delete the Service Application
    Remove-SPServiceApplication $SeviceApp -removedata -confirm:$false
    Get Service Application from Its type name and remove:
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
    #Type Name String 
    $TypeName="Usage and Health Data Collection Service Application" 
    #Get the Service Application from its Type 
    $SeviceApp = Get-SPServiceApplication | Where {$_.TypeName -eq $TypeName} 
    #Delete the Service Application 
    Remove-SPServiceApplication $SeviceApp -removedata -confirm:$false
    Here is the Type Name of all service Applications:
    How to delete a service application proxy: 
    If you want to delete the service application proxy alone, use: Remove-SPServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet: 
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
    #Type Name String
    $TypeName="Machine Translation Service Proxy" 
    #Get the Service Application Proxy from its Type
    $SeviceAppProxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | Where {$_.TypeName -eq $TypeName} 
    #Remove the Service Application Proxy
    Remove-SPServiceApplicationProxy $SeviceAppProxy -removedata -confirm:$false

    Step 2

    While deleting the search service application, the page hangs and keeps showing the same messaging like “Deleting the service application…..”. Even if you leave it untouched for hour or two or three like that… nothing happens, it would just hang on from the Central administration.

    In such case, perform the below operations to get them cleaned fully from the Farm.
    1. Get the Search Service application Id – You would get it when you click on the Search Service application from the Manage Service Applications page.

    1. Execute the following STSADM command
      Stsadm -o deleteconfigurationobject -id f1d41cf0-50d0-4fcc-9087-344103757277
    2. Connect to the DataBase Server
    3. Delete the Search Service Application Specific databases (CrawlStoreDB, Application_DB and PropertyStore_DB ) manually.
    Now that the Service application has been cleaned successfully. You could go ahead and configure the Search service application now.
    Note:  STSADM command is still powerful in this case over PowerShell Command. Here is the PowerShell command as an alternative:
    $spapp = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name "Enterprise Search Service Application"
    Remove-SPServiceApplication $spapp -RemoveData
    1. How to Delete a Service Application in SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell
    2. Delete a service application in SharePoint 2013
    3. Deleting the SharePoint2010 Search service application

    Monday, 19 June 2017

    "Save site as template" option isn't available in SharePoint Online in Office 365 or SharePoint Server 2013


    When you browse to the SharePoint Online or SharePoint Server Site settings page, you discover that the Save site as template option isn't available.


    This issue most frequently occurs because the Community Sites Feature site feature, the SharePoint Server Publishing site feature, or the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure site collection feature is currently enabled or was previously enabled for the affected site.

    SharePoint doesn’t support creating a template from a site where publishing or community features were enabled. This is because the publishing feature creates site elements that are not supported as part of a template, and these elements remain even when the feature is disabled. This also includes templates that were created through SharePoint Designer.

    Note Although the Save site as template option may become available after you deactivate publishing features, it is still unsupported to create a template from a site that has ever had publishing features enabled. If you create a site from this template, you may encounter problems when you try to activate publishing on the new site. For example, you may receive the following error message:
    Provisioning did not succeed. Details: Failed to initialize some site properties for Web at Url: '......' OriginalException: Failed to compare two elements in the array.
    In SharePoint Online, if you disabled scripting capabilities for the affected site, this also removes the Save site as template option.

    For more information, go to the following Microsoft website:
    Turn scripting capabilities on or off

    Although you can't use the Save site as template option in this scenario, you can use the app model to customize the provisioning process in SharePoint Online or SharePoint Server 2013. This lets you enable specific features, capabilities, and branding for your sites.

    For more information, go to the following Microsoft website:
    Self-service site provisioning using Apps for SharePoint 2013

    WorkAround / Solution

    Save Site As Template In SharePoint Online

    Notice anything missing from your Site Settings page recently? If you're in a SharePoint site on Office 365, Microsoft has quietly (with a loud response from the blogosphere) removed the Save Site as Template option. Using this classic option, which places a WSP file in the site collection's solution gallery, is supposed to provide an easy way for an end user to re-use the configuration of a site.

    Microsoft, as far as I know at this time, has yet to officially deprecate this functionality from SharePoint Online. It is still intact with SharePoint 2013.

    They are hiding this from you for various technical reasons in favor of more sustainable site templating practices. I could explain them all if it wasn't mostly outside my wheelhouse... It has to do with SharePoint Apps, upgradability, etc. What matters at the moment for a site administrator is that there is currently no longer a user-accessible option to template a site, with or without content. Or is there?

    Some posts are out there that describe adjusting or adding the SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled property of the site to TRUE via PowerShell or SharePoint Designer. This appears to not be necessary except in the case of enabling SharePoint's publishing feature(s).

    I conducted a test today on a plain site based on an OOTB team site template as well as a plain site based on an OOTB project site template. The page for saving a site as a template still exists if you append the following:


    to the URL of your site. Voila! Your familiar page appears.

    A Quick Tip for Copying a Site in SharePoint Online
    Save Site As Template In SharePoint Online
    "Save site as template" option isn't available in SharePoint Online in Office 365 or SharePoint Server 2013

    Wednesday, 14 June 2017

    How To Hide Ribbon From Users Without Edit Page Privilege

    Ribbon is a great new feature introduced by SharePoint 2010. It provides great user experience for users with elevated privileges, like contributors and site owners. However, for users with lease privilege, such as visitors and anonymous users, it seems like a big waste of page real estate. Because for those users, all ribbon provides are navigation breadcrumb and welcome control (user name with a drop down list on top-right corner).
    So I have been asked to figure out a way to remove or hide the ribbon area from user with lease privilege, and here is how:
    1)      Open your SharePoint master page
    2)      Locate this line:<div id=”s4-ribbonrow” class=”s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle”>
    3)      Change it to:<div id=”s4-ribbonrow” class=”s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle” style=”display:none”>
    4)      Now find the end of the “s4-ribbonrow” tag and add following block right after it:<Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID=”SPSecurityTrimmedControl2″ runat=”server”PermissionsString=”AddAndCustomizePages”>    <script type=”text/javascript”>        document.getElementById(“s4-ribbonrow”).style.display = “block”;
    5)      Save the new master page and publish it.
    Now when a user without “AddAndCustomizePages” access to view the site, they would not see the ribbon area. You may want to move at least the welcome control to somewhere outside the ribbon area so your lease privilege users can see their user names.
    The reason that you have to do it the other way around: make the ribbon invisible (step 3) and make it visible only when users have “AddAndCustomizePages” access (step 4) is the ribbon HTML code has to be rendered to the browser otherwise you would lose some basic abilities on the page, like, to be able to scroll up and down.
    Enjoy your page real estate back!

    Reference :

    Monday, 12 June 2017

    O365 SharePoint Site - How to replace the default Master Page?

    In order to set a new masterpage will have to upload it to the Masterpage Library which is located at:
    To assign the masterpage to your site go to Site Settings > Design Manager > Publish and Apply Design > Assign master pages to your site based on device channel.
    Choose your Masterpage from the dropdowns, specify whether you want to "Reset all subsites to inherit this site master page setting" or not. Then hit OK.
    After a refresh you should see your new masterpage in action.

    References :

    Thursday, 8 June 2017

    PowerShell script causes “The context has expired and can no longer be used. (Exception from HRESULT: X80090317)” issue

    Stack Overflow 

    Currently I have 3 different SharePoint environments; DEV,UAT and PROD. These environments have same server topology and same software installations.

    I populate some SharePoint lists and a SQL Server database with PowerShell. PowerShell script works fine under DEV and UAT. It also works well on PROD. However, whenever I run the script in the PROD, SharePoint site starts displaying;

    Sorry, something went wrong

    The context has expired and can no longer be used. (Exception from HRESULT:X80090317)
    There is no such problem neither on DEV nor UAT. I assume that some configurations are different on the PROD but I couldn't find which ones they are.

    What is the problem here? How can I avoid this?

    Solutions :
    Similar to the above answer but check if the web application time zone and the server time zone are identical, you could refer this article: Time zone issue

    Time Zone Issue :

    How to fix SharePoint 2013 Web Application error “The context has expired and can no longer be used”

    I came across this odd error a couple of times in the past few weeks, so I wrote a quick guide that might help you get rid of it.
    If you see this error after opening your SharePoint 2013 site, there is a lack of synchronization between Date and Time settings in your SharePoint 2013 Server and your SharePoint web application.
    Sorry, something went wrong. The context has expired and can no longer be used. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090317)
    Here is how you fix it!
    • Open Central Administration -> Application Management.
    • Locate the relevant Web Application and click on 
    • Web Application General Setting window will open up, notice that the Default Time Zone is missing.
    • Open Date and Time options on your server and check which time zone is configured. Configure the same time zone in Web Application General Setting.

    Wednesday, 31 May 2017

    Disable Redirect from User Information Page (userdisp.aspx) to MySite Profile Page (Person.aspx)

    If you want to quickly check SharePoint user profile properties, You can get it from user information list or by simply clicking on user name hyperlinks from metadata fields such as: Created by. Usually, user profile page points to:

    When clicked on user name hyperlink, will get redirected to My Site profile page (E.g. http://mysite/person.aspx?accountname) if the user has a my site profile created.

    If the user has My site profile created, then the UserDisp.aspx page redirects to his/her My site profile page automatically.

    Is there any way to get the basic version of userdisp.aspx, instead of redirecting them to the MySite profile of that person when someone clicks on such links? Well, Here is a nifty trick to stop redirecting to user's Mysite profile page and get the simple User Information.

    • Add:Force=True parameter to the above URL. So, it will be:

    What if You want to avoid profile redirect permanently?
    Behind the scenes, there is a OOTB user control called "MySiteRedirection.ascx" User control tied to a delegate control "DelctlProfileRedirection" on userdisp.aspx page that does this re-direction. You can either replace this delegate control or you can simply disable the feature: "MySite" To avoid profile redirect.

    2. Sharepoint 2007 userdisp.aspx redirect to MySite

    Question :


    we encountered nice little problem after WSS&MOSS SP2 update.. userdisp.aspx is trying to redirect user to MySites and crashes. MySites are disabled.  userdisp.aspx is working when you apply &force=true to end of the URL.

    userdisp.aspx  was not behaving whis way before the update. How could we customize that userdisp.aspx in the layouts-folder so it would NOT go to mysites, and would work the way it works with userdisp.aspx&force=true works? Or is there any other way to solve this?

    Solution :
    1.- Open in Notepad: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\userdisp.aspx

    2.- Change Scope="Farm" to Scope="Web" like below....

    There's another way using a feature... but this way is EZ

    <SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" id="DelctlProfileRedirection" ControlId="ProfileRedirection" Scope="Farm" />

    <SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" id="DelctlProfileRedirection" ControlId="ProfileRedirection" Scope="Web" />

    1. Disable Redirect from User Information Page (userdisp.aspx) to MySite Profile Page (Person.aspx)
    2. Sharepoint 2007 userdisp.aspx redirect to MySite

    Monday, 29 May 2017

    Overview of SharePoint 2013’s Services

    With the new version, we get new features and functionality. The following lists off the services available with SharePoint 2013 Enterprise, and briefly explains what they do.

    Access Database Service 2010

    Access Services 2010 is a service application that allows users to modify and publish in SharePoint Server 2013 an Access web database that was previously created in SharePoint Server 2010.

    Access Services

    Access Services enables you to create and customize Access apps for SharePoint.

    App Management Service

    App Management Service is part of the new App support within SharePoint 2013. This service, along with the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service, have to be configured properly to support the new App model.

    Business Data Connectivity Service

    Business Data Connectivity Service allows you to pull in external data sources into SharePoint, and treat them much like a normal SharePoint list. This allows businesses to connect to existing line of business applications with minimal effort.

    Central Administration

    This service is what provides Central Administration on the server. Make sure at least one server in your farm has this running. I don’t know if you can stop this on all servers, I haven’t tried, and I don’t recommend it!

    Claims to Windows Token Service

    The Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS) is a feature of Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). The c2WTS extracts user principal name (UPN) claims from non-Windows security tokens, such as SAML and X.509 tokens, and generates impersonation-level Windows security tokens. This allows a relying party application to impersonate the user. This might be needed to access back-end resources, such as Microsoft SQL Servers, that are external to the computer running the relying party application.

    Distributed Cache

    The Distributed Cache service provides caching features in SharePoint Server 2013. The microblog features and feeds rely on the Distributed Cache to store data for very fast retrieval across all entities. The Distributed Cache service is built on Windows Server AppFabric, which implements the AppFabric Caching service. Windows Server AppFabric installs with the prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2013.

    Document Conversions Launcher Service

    This service schedules and initiates the document conversions. When SharePoint Foundation passes a document conversion request to the document conversion launcher service, the service must call the appropriate document converter.

    Document Conversions Load Balancer Service

    This service balances the document conversion requests from across the server farm. When it receives a converter request from SharePoint Foundation, the document conversion load balancer service must return a URI to the appropriate document conversion launcher service. SharePoint Foundation connects to the specified launcher via .NET Remoting and requests that it convert the specified document.

    Excel Calculation Services

    Excel Services is a SharePoint Server 2013 service application that allows users to share and view Excel workbooks. The service application also enables data-connected Excel workbooks and work sheets to be refreshed and updated from a variety of data sources.

    Lotus Notes Connector

    Lotus Notes Connector provides connectivity for search to crawl Lotus Notes content within a Domino database.

    Machine Translation Service

    Machine Translation Service provides automatic machine translation of files and sites. When the Machine Translation Service application processes a translation request, it forwards the request to a cloud-hosted machine translation service, where the actual translation work is performed.

    Managed Metadata Web Service

    The managed metadata service application makes it possible to use managed metadata and share content types across site collections and web applications. A managed metadata service publishes a term store and, optionally, content types; a managed metadata connection consumes these.

    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail

    The Incoming E-Mail service allows for users to send emails to libraries within your sites.

    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service

    A sandbox is a restricted execution environment that enables programs to access only certain resources and keeps problems that occur in the sandbox from affecting the rest of the server environment. Solutions that you deploy into a sandbox, which are known as sandboxed solutions, cannot use certain computer and network resources and cannot access content outside the site collection they are deployed in. Because sandboxed solutions cannot affect the whole server farm, they do not have to be deployed by a farm administrator. If sandboxed solutions have been enabled on at least one server in the farm, a site collection administrator can deploy solutions to a run in a sandbox on any server in the farm.

    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service

    This service was primarily used for multi-tenency support in SharePoint 2010. In SharePoint 2013, it is also necessary for apps.

    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application

    This is the core service for running your sites. It configures IIS to host the sites providing the SharePoint to end users.

    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service

    This service supplements the main Timer service with configuration settings for timed workflow events.

    PerformancePoint Service

    PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint Server 2013 is a performance management service that you can use to monitor and analyze your business. By providing flexible, easy-to-use tools for building dashboards, scorecards, and key performance indicators (KPIs), PerformancePoint Services can help individuals across an organization make informed business decisions that align with companywide objectives and strategy.

    PowerPoint Conversion Service

    PowerPoint Conversion Service provides unattended, server-side conversion of presentations into other formats.

    Request Management

    Request Manager is functionality in SharePoint Server 2013 that enables administrators to manage incoming requests and determine how SharePoint Server 2013 routes these requests.

    Search Host Controller Service

    This service manages the search topology components. The service is automatically started on all servers that run search topology components.

    Search Query and Site Settings Service

    This service load balances queries within the search topology. It also detects farm-level changes to the search service and puts these in the Search Admin database. The service is automatically started on all servers that run the query processing component.

    Secure Store Service

    The Secure Store Service is an authorization service that runs on an application server and provides a database that is used to store credentials. These credentials usually consist of a user identity and password, but can also contain other fields that you define

    SharePoint Server Search

    This service crawls content for the search index. This service is automatically started on all servers that run search topology components. The service cannot be stopped or started from the Services on Server page.

    User Profile Service

    The User Profile service application stores information about users in a central location. Social computing features use this information to enable productive interactions so that users can collaborate efficiently.

    User Profile Synchronization Service

    The User Profile Synchronization Service facilitates the creation of user profiles by importing data from directory services, such as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). You can augment user profiles by importing data from business systems, such as SAP or SQL Server.

    Visio Graphics Service

    The Visio Graphics Service allows users to share and view Visio diagrams by using Visio Services. The service application also enables data-connected Visio 2013 diagrams to be refreshed and updated from different data sources.

    Word Automation Services

    Word Automation Services enables unattended, server-side conversion of documents that are supported by Microsoft Word.

    Work Management Service

    The Work Management Service automates consolidating tasks from SharePoint, Exchange and Project Server.
